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Services tailored to your child's age and needs

Keeping your children safe and secure is both a challenge and responsibility.  When your family's circumstances include chaos, stressors, loss, and/or trauma you may need additional tools and interventions.  Call us today for help with the unique trials affecting your children.
0 - 6 years

Even very young children are affected by traumatic & chaotic events and environments.  Experiences that upset their sense of safety or that of their caregivers have a significant impact on emotional development.


Barriers in the parent-child relationship or the loss of a parent affect a child's ability to develop a healthy attachment at this critical age -- the foundation for trust and confidence as they learn to negotiate life.

7 - 10 years

Irritable, impulsive, angry are just a few of the types of behavior you may see in your child.  At this age it is important to understand the relationship between feelings, behavior and life-history.  


Play therapy and family therapy are components of helping your child learn to manage well at home, school and the larger community.


You are beginning to see glimmers of your child stepping away from childhood toward adolescents.  Friendships may be filled with conflict. Everything just seems bigger and can become overwhelming.  


This is the beginning of risk in the larger world in relation to self-managing feelings, peer pressure and greater exposure and access to social media, alcohol and drugs.  


Your teens priority in their development toward becoming adults is to more and more separate from you and independently make life-choices.  Not an easy time under the best of circumstances.​


Today, pressures related to body image, peers, sex, alcohol & drug use, social media exposure and family challenges are constant.  Working through loss, emotional pain and confusing feelings is particularly challenging at this age.


The ways in which children react to events and circumstances is influenced by their stage of development.  We provide different interventions based on your child's age and needs.  With all of the children we serve, caregivers are expected to fully participate with our team including regular consultations with our professional staff and, in most situations,

with your child(ren) in family therapy.

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