Nada Marie Brzovich, LCSW
Achievements - sampling

Trainings & Presentations
Coping with grief & loss in medical settings
A presentation for professionals working in intensive care environments with a focus on experiential grief within their work environment and applicable self-interventions to manage and move forward from the everyday trauma they experience in the work place.
Adapting to change in organizations
Ideas, tools and increased understanding for professionals and staff experiencing significant change in their roles and responsibilities in not-for-profit/social service settings.
Group facilitation training
This three-part training for professional staff and master level interns includes: the role of a group facilitator; the steps in creating and maintaining a group; and, the unique challenges found in group dynamics.
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
PhD, International Psychology
(currently attending)
University of South Florida
Master of Social Work 1996
University of South Florida
Bachelor of Social Work 1994
Professional Roles
2010 - present
Aspects of the assessment process
The essential steps to complete a meaningful bio-psycho-social history for individuals and families receiving mental health interventions for professional staff and master level interns.
Continuous quality improvement in social service settings
An orientation for social service staff that is both descriptive and interactive in clarifying their roles in bottom-up/top-down quality management.
Communication in organizations
This workshop focuses on inference and the complexity of communication in multi-layered systems.
Attachment and development
This is a three-part series that increases understanding of the needs of children from infancy through adolescents; and, insight into the significance and meaning of caring, nurturing relationships for children.
Stress reduction for service providers
Interventions to identify and manage stress in the workplace that includes stress reduction techniques that can be incorporated into the workday.
Starting and sustaining community partnerships for the protection of children
Sponsored by Family Support America, this presentation in panel format described the successful and meaningful implementation of a community-based partnership of social service agencies, families and child protective services focusing on the best interest of children with a shared goal of reduced trauma and improved family functioning.
Additional Topics:
Interventions for families in crisis; Concurrent case planning; Writing case plans and judicial review; Team building; Time management; Family systems theory and its application in child welfare services; Development of the bio-psycho-social assessment and treatment plan; Overview of the child welfare and dependency system.
Clinical Social Worker
Organizational Consultant
Concilliation/Conflict Resolution
Licensure Supervision
2010 - present
Licensed Clinical Social Worker – State of Illinois #149.010861
Certificate in Performance-Based Mediation
Certificate in Collaborative Law
Certificate in Family and Divorce Mediation
Certified Trainer – Children’s Functional Assessment Rating Scale (CFARS) – ID #988001488
Academy of Certified Social Workers
Certified Trainer - Parent Project, Inc.
Certification – Social Work Field Instructor (University of South Florida)
Certification – Models Approach to Partnerships in Parenting (MAPP)